Friday, May 21, 2010

Thank You, Volunteers!!!!

Many thanks to all the volunteers who have graciously donated their time and skills to help get Bridgewater Farms ready for our kids! From clearing brush to building fences, all of your effort and enthusiasm is helping to create a place of hope and healing for the children of our community.

Future posts will include photos of our progress as we move closer to a tentative opening in the Fall of 2010.

In the meantime, my heartfelt gratitude goes out to an incredible army of angels including: Dan (Ivan, Anthony, Chris, Yana, and Olya) Hills, Thom Trimnal and family, Barbara Mullis, Larry Copeland, Chuck and Suzanne Green, Adam and Myra Davis and family, Dominique and Victor plus their friends from Winthrop, David and Rona Marren, Don and Barbara Brewer, Corrie Long--her husband, kids, and mom!, Angie and Spencer Neal, Frank, Bubba, Kendell and Lashanea of Johnson Catering, Lauren Colebank (and her cowboy friend), Chris Colebank, Tom and Kathy Hardin of Hardin Pest Control (don't ask!), Barb Cunningham, Yvonne and Chris Stewart, Dean Campbell of Campbell's Grading, Sarah Reese, Oliver and Sandy, Lori and Gill Fowler, Burke O'Neill (the "Fisher King"), Alex Mosley, Jennifer O'Neill, Wanda, Terrell, and Calvin Evans. Please forgive me if I have left anyone off this list--the outpouring of help has been truly overwhelming.

Finally, there are no words to adequately express my appreciation and thanks to Barbara Evans and Kathi "Poison Oak" O'Neill. Their support, encouragement, and tireless efforts have made this adventure possible. :)

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